1A - Standings

Divisions All 1A 1B 2A 2B 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F
Rounds All 1 2 3 4 5 6
# Team Damage Kills Place pts Top 8 Top 4 Wins AVG # Total points
PLAYWELL 32351 181 68 16 8 3 7.96 249
be deceived D 18458 91 43 16 5 0 8.87 134
What is KEKW mean? 1 19415 89 60 19 7 1 7.77 149
Team Gus R 8312 35 21 6 3 0 11.33 56
Rafsepatruljen R 14376 68 34 8 4 1 10 102
Back from Zharki 24185 121 75 20 9 2 7.3 196
Valuable Veterans R 3 17660 90 42 10 5 2 10.6 132
Team Arctic White 29098 151 72 17 11 2 7.03 223
AWOB aBoB BoB Esports D 16625 82 45 13 6 1 8.57 127
Bitfix Gaming R 3 16019 82 29 9 4 1 10.75 111
AIRLINERS 25778 126 75 17 11 2 7.67 201
Stjernekraft D 17421 71 42 14 5 0 8.73 113
MeetYourMakers 23331 109 76 16 10 3 8.13 185
APEKS.GG 1 36590 182 99 21 12 4 6.47 281
The Gatekeepers 1 30557 164 106 23 10 5 6 270
Oilers Esport 1 19905 97 73 15 10 3 8 170
Relegation qualifier