Bitfix Gaming

Team records

The team's records in Telialigaen. Qualifiers and playoffs are not included.

Team records Damage Kills Placement points Total points Top 8 Top 4 Wins AVG # Matches
Match record 2953 17 10 27 Yes Yes Yes - Yes
Round record 13232 78 36 106 8 4 3 2,6 15
Season record 56886 311 168 456 34 18 9 5,84 54
Total 375451 1855 972 2827 226 115 38 7,62 384

Player records

Player records in Telialigaen. Qualifiers and playoffs are not included.

Player records Damage Kills
Match record 1469 NL Ironik- 9 CZ PiXeL1K NL Ironik-
Round record 3068 NO ivel 28 NO ivel
Season record 17114 NL Ironik- 94 EE A-R-2-N
Total 36970 NO Fysickz 178 NO Fysickz